Closing Date: 06/01/2019
Facility: Fossil Rim Wildlife Center
Fossil Rim Wildlife Center is an 1,800 acre non-profit conservation center that specializes in captive breeding programs for species of peril. We at Fossil Rim would like to share the experience through the intern training program.

There are four intern positions currently available within Fossil Rim’s Animal Care Department:
1) Whitfield Collins Carnivore Internship;
2) Children’s Animal Center Internship;
3) Rhino Internship and
4) Behavior Research – Hoofstock Internship

Candidates should have completed at least two or three (depending on internship) years of an undergraduate or graduate program related to wildlife management, conservation biology or a related science degree. They must also have a valid driver’s license. Interns will gain practical experience caring for captive wildlife. Experiences include feeding, cleaning, endangered species management, chemical immobilization, record-keeping and many other related activities.


Semester times are:
SPRING- (January– May) deadline for applications is October 1;
SUMMER- (May-August) deadline is March 1;
FALL- (September–December) deadline is June 1.