National Zoo Keeper Week

Per resolution of the AAZK Board of Directors, AAZK shall seek to promote the animal keeping profession under the AAZK Program National Zoo Keeper Week (NZKW). National Zoo Keeper Week focuses on the need to protect and preserve our wildlife and vanishing habitats via conservation messages created by their institutions. The animal keepers role as educators and wildlife ambassadors has become essential. During the third week of July each year, celebrate National Zoo Keeper Week; both keepers and animals deserve professional recognition.
The National Zoo Keeper Week Program will provide easily accessible tools and resources annually to members that promote the animal care profession and educate the general public, each year finding innovative and novel ways of doing so.
The National Zoo Keeper Week Program will connect with both the public and all animal care professionals in the name of raising awareness of what animal care are professionals do year-round, recognizing their hard work, conservation efforts, and passion.
The National Zoo Keeper Week Program exists to provide members with the tools and capabilities to recognize their peers and promote the animal care profession during National Zoo Keeper Week and throughout the year.
Board Oversight – Communication Team
Sarah Snider
Program Vice-Manager
Alex Rose
Program Vice-Manager
Abbey Elkert
General Information:
National Zoo Keeper Week July 21-27, 2024. This year NZKW will be highlighting how great animal care and conservation efforts require great teamwork. For the most up to date information on NZKW and chapters across the country, visit AAZK on Facebook. To submit a highlight for an AAZK chapter, obtain a list of NZKW events/fundraiser ideas, or join the NZKW program team, please email the NZKW Program Vice-Managers at
When is National Zoo Keeper Week?
National Zoo Keeper Week starts annually on the third Sunday of July. Remember – it’s never too early (or too late) to start planning for NZKW; check out the dates for upcoming years:
July 21-27, 2024
Representative Susan A. Davis introduced House Resolution 509 on June 21, 2007:
Expresses support for the goals and ideals of National Zookeeper Week. Recognizes the contributions zookeepers make to the care and conservation of captive exotic animals and to research, public education, and recreation. Expresses a renewed dedication to the appreciation and preservation of animal wildlife and nature and an invigorated effort to foster conservation projects and increase awareness of the need for preservation.
H. Res. 509 National Zoo Keeper Week 2007
National Zoo Keeper Week 2024 Resources:
Why it’s Never Too Early (or Late) to Plan for NZKW – Robin Sutker