Communication Committee


The AAZK Communication Committee serves the AAZK membership by facilitating communication through Social Media resources and providing real-time information to the members and public.  The committee connects with future and current animal professionals through engaging questions, news sharing, membership information, upcoming events and more. Those interested in the profession are also referred to a number of informative AAZK resources.


The AAZK Communication Committee’s mission is to facilitate effective communication within AAZK that is beneficial to the advancement of animal care and the zoo keeping profession.


The AAZK Communication Committee envisions superior engagement with the membership through online presence and improved communication.

Board Oversight – Communication Team

Sarah Snider
[email protected]

Committee Chair
Joy Kotheimer
Columbus Zoo
[email protected]

Vice Chair

Tianna Redieck
Houston Zoo
[email protected]

Committee Members

Social Media Team: 
Brittney Powers, Bearizona, Ashley Brooks, Saginaw Children’s Zoo, Mallory Balmert, Akron Zoological Park

Association Information Team: 
Samantha Thompson

Networking Team: 
Kerstin Alander, Spring Creek Greenway Nature Center, Marissa Hickel

Contact Us: [email protected] or [email protected]


AAZK Facebook:
AAZK Twitter:
AAZK YouTube:
AAZK Instagram: