Chapter Re-charter Instructions

The re-charter date for all AAZK Chapters shall be 15 March of each calendar year. Re-charter documents will be made available to each AAZK Chapter by the AAZK Office on January 15th of each calendar year. The AAZK Re-charter Packet contains five  (5) files,  with four (4) documents required for completion and returned to AAZK Administration by email or US Mail before 15 March of each calendar year:

Chapter Fee Schedule
Chapter Charter Agreement
Chapter Financial Report
Chapter Financial Income and Expense Report

The Re-charter Agreement shall be completed and submitted by the current AAZK Chapter Officers responsible for the new fiscal year. This will include the name of the AAZK Chapter, facility mailing address, number of AAZK Chapter members and a list of all AAZK Chapter Officers.   The Re-charter Agreement is a declaration submitted by all current AAZK Chapter Officers. It states the required parameters and intentions of the AAZK Chapter and its relationship to AAZK, its Statement of Purpose, and IRS law. Chapters that are undergoing difficulties in operation and organization may petition AAZK for Inactive Status by contacting for details and procedures.

The Chapter Fee Schedule defines the Chapter Membership fee and Duty Obligation owed to AAZK National. AAZK Chapters failing to comply with fees and required reports by the Annual Re-charter date shall be considered in non-compliance and their chapter charter subject to revocation.

A Chapter Financial Report is required to be completed and signed by AAZK Chapter officers. This comprehensive report is mandatory for all AAZK Chapters and is required by IRS regulation. This report will detail the previous year’s financial transactions of the AAZK Chapter (Financial Statement) as well as indicate the financial value of each AAZK Chapter (Net Worth).

A Chapter Financial Income and Expense Report is required to be completed and signed by AAZK Chapter officers. This report is mandatory for all AAZK Chapters and is required by IRS regulation and defines provides the documented worksheet of where income was derived and where expenses occurred.

AAZK can provide additional resources to help you complete this section or previous sections. Please contact AAZK at or visit the AAZK Member Resource Center > Chapter Operation Resources > Chapter Recharter ( for step-by-step instructions and helpful resources created by the AAZK Resource Committee.

The AAZK Recharter Packet for 2024 (For Chapter Fiscal Year 2023) is available for download.

Chapter Recharter Introduction 2022Chapter Charter Agreement 2020

  1. Chapter Recharter Agreement 2022
  2. Fee Schedule 2022
  3. Chapter Income Expenses Worksheet 2022
  4. Chapter Financial Report Income Expense Form 2022

The Workbook Instructions and Glossary of Terms utilized in the Recharter Packet can be referenced here.

Workbook and Glossary of Terms
