
International Exotic Animal Sanctuary

Closing Date



There are four to eight positions available within the International Exotic Animal Sanctuary (IEAS) Animal Care Department. IEAS is the first sanctuary ever to be granted certification by the AZA. The Sanctuary cares for many exotic animals encompassing 13 different feline species, 3 different bear species, and a number of other small exotic animal species.

This internship will help you decide very quickly if this is really what you want to do as a career. You will get dirty and work long hours in all kinds of weather conditions. But if you work hard, you will be able to learn so much that will take you to the next step in your animal welfare career.

Experience includes safety procedures, diet preparation, feeding, cleaning, animal health, animal management, behavioral studies, enrichment, record keeping, assisting in construction and habitat modification, and related activities. Interns will also be involved with the volunteer program and formal and informal presentations. Interns can learn as much about animal behavior and emotions has they choose by participating in our Emotional Enrichment Program. Classes led by certified instructors for CPR, Basic First Aid and Bleeding control will be provided.

**This is a strict no contact position**

**We also offer six month internships which have the same deadline dates as the three month internship. Interest in the six month internship can be noted on the application. All applicants start as three month interns. Six month internship opportunities are invitation based.

Education and Pre-requisites

Candidates should have at least two years of undergraduate program studies in zoology, animal management, biology, or a related field. International applications are welcome. Interns must be able to perform regular, strenuous duties in 90 to over 100 degree weather and must be able to lift 50lbs. You must present yourself in a professional manner. Interns will gain practical experience working with exotic animals, will be involved with our educational program and have the chance to be involved in our emotional and behavioral enrichment programs.

Compensation and benefits

Vehicles, on-site housing and $50/week stipend are provided. Housing is in a four bedroom-four bathroom air-conditioned dormitory home with a large kitchen.

Application instructions

Required materials: Completed application, copy of your driver’s license, 3 letters of reference (if you have interned or volunteered somewhere, please include a reference letter from your supervisor), unofficial or official transcript, cover letter and resume.
Spring Internship: March 1-May 31, deadline January 1
Summer Internship: June 1-August 31, deadline April 1
Fall Internship: September 1-November 30, deadline July 1
Winter Internship: December 1-February 28, deadline October 15

*NOTE: Internship dates are tentative.

Please send all required materials to:

International Exotic Animal Sanctuary
Attention: Intern Program
PO Box 637
Boyd, TX 76023


Application is available at: www.bigcat.org/intern-program
Questions can be emailed to: education@bigcat.org