
San Diego Zoo

Closing Date



Please go to our zoo career web site for the Job classification sheet at www.sandiegozoo.org/jobs.

Education and Pre-requisites

Qualified applicants will be responsible for all aspects of daily animal care, maintenance of exhibits and plants, data collection and record keeping. Knowledge and/or experience with husbandry for a diverse group of bird species is highly desirable. An example of experience would be three years or more in an AZA accredited institution or equivalent specialized experience. Strong communication skills and ability to work well with others is necessary. A Life Science degree or equivalent specialized training is preferred. Must be able to lift at least 50 pounds, climb a ladder 20 feet or higher and perform overhead work. Applicants must be available to work any of the seven days of the week with the possibility of a late shift during the summer. A valid driver license is required.

Compensation and benefits

Union position with benefits. Hourly wage: $20.72 – $22.50

Application instructions

For more job information and to apply: www.sandiegozoo.org/jobs. Deadline to apply: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 by 9:30 PM.