Wild Wonders – Bonsall, CA

Expiration Date: 2014-01-27

 Applicants will assist staff with general husbandry(feeding, cleaning, enrichment, socialization, facility maintenance) as well as lead onsite tours and programs with our ambassador collection.

Will be assisting with onsite as well as offsite special events

Responsibilities: applicants will learn a wide variety of skills inlcuding husbandry, training, diet and nutrition, marketing, show presentation skills.
applicants will be responsible for completely a project within the 3 month period

Requirements: this is a non paid internship-must have ability to live in an expenive state for a min of 3 months with no compensation
must be currently enrolled or recently graduated from a university with a biological degree
must be able to lift 50 lbs and be free from medical problems that would hinder your ability to do so

Compensation: this is a non paid internship

Zoofari, Inc.  (501c3 nonprofit)
PO BOX 2771
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tax ID: 86-1145555

Email WildWonders@att.net

Contact Numbers

Tel 760.630.9230
Fax 760.724.9690
