
Oatland Island Wildlife Center

Closing Date



Oatland Island Wildlife Center is an environmental education center located in beautiful coastal Georgia, 15 minutes from downtown Savannah and 20 minutes from Tybee Island beaches. Our collection focuses on animals indigenous to Georgia exhibited in large, naturally wooded habitats. We are a unique facility because we are owned by the Chatham County Board of Education and applicants must apply at their website. Follow this link – https://savannahccs.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=984 for the job description and information on the application process. Please visit our website www.oatlandisland.com for more information about our collection and facility.

Education and Pre-requisites

see details at the link listed below

Compensation and benefits

see details at the link listed below

Application instructions

Follow the link for detailed job description, benefits and salary https://savannahccs.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=984