Canisius College
B.S. in Biology with a Minor in Zoo Biology
2001 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14208-1098
Students receive rigorous background preparation in coursework through an abundance of hands-on experiences at various zoos and marine parks in Western New York and Ontario, Canada.
Delaware Valley College
B.S. in Animal Biotechnology and Conservation
Students in the Animal Biotechnology and Conservation program may major in Zoo Science, Small Animal Science or Conservation & Wildlife Management. The choice of major is made upon completion of the first year of study.
Emporia State University
B.S. and MS/MA in Biology with Environmental Biology, Zoology, and Botany emphases available.
1200 Commercial Street
Emporia, KS 66801
(620) 341-5611
Programs emphasize natural history, lab and fieldwork, and modern developments in organismic biology.
Visit for departmental information.
Visit for the Kansas School Naturalist.
Friends University
B.S. and M.S.
2100 W. University St.
Wichita KS 67213
B.S. and M.S. programs with emphasis in Zoo Science, Zoo Management, and Zoo Education; requires 360 hours of practical experience at Sedgwick County Zoo. Also, Friends University offers a cooperative program through Santa Fe Community College Teaching Zoo (see Two Year Programs).
Sedgwick County Zoo
5555 Zoo Boulevard
Wichita, Kansas
USA 67212-1698
(316) 660-WILD (9453)
Michigan State University
B.S. in Zoology with disciplinary concentration in Zoo and Aquarium Science
Dr. Richard Snider, Program Coordinator
Department of Zoology
219 Natural Science Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1115
(517) 353-9864
Oswego, State University of New York
B.S. in Zoology
Department of Biology
State University of New York at Oswego
Oswego, NY 13126
(315) 341-2776
Offers a cooperative program though the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo (see Two Year Programs).
Unity College
B.S. in Captive Wildlife Care and Education
90 Quaker Hill Road
Unity, Maine 04988
(207) 948-3131
This program is designed for students interested in careers involving a hands-on approach to the care and husbandry of captive wild species, and educating the public concerning wildlife issues. Students receive a solid foundation in the biological sciences, along with courses focused on wildlife science, education and interpretation. Potential employers include zoos, aquaria, rehabilitation and wildlife education facilities.
University of West Florida
B.S. in Zoo Science as part of an Interdisciplinary Science Degree
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 32514
(850) 474-2000
Steve Celestial, Zoo Science Advisor,
Offers cooperative programs with the Pensacola Junior College Zoo Animal Technology Program and Santa Fe Community College Teaching Zoo (see Two Year Programs).
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
B.S. degrees
Major in Wildlife
Minor in Captive Wildlife management
2100 Main Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481-3897
(715) 346-0123
Sue Kissinger
Coordinator of Advising and Recruitment
Student Success Center – 180 CNR
College of Natural Resources
Shelli Dubay, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Wildlife
327 CNR
College of Natural Resources
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
(715) 346-4178
Fax: (715) 346-3624
While not directly advertised for zookeepers this program offers much of the same basic knowledge and skill that would be needed for the job.
Western Illinois University School of Graduate Studies
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate: Zoo & Aquarium Studies
1 University Circle
Memorial Hall 237
Macomb, IL 61455-1390